Sunday, December 23, 2012

So that cell phone jammer can be used for a longer time

So that cell phone jammer can be used for a longer time
Experienced a longer period of time is not a prosperous life for the elderly consumers of our country at this stage of their lives in general are very frugal, now living getting better and better, but they continued to maintain a savings habit, so for the elderly The phone has a heavier weight "Incorruptible" psychological. With the improvement of people's living standards, income levels increase, elderly consumers to the practicality of the goods as the first purpose of the purchase of goods, they began to emphasize quality, reliable, convenient and practical, so also have "quality" to seek "good" psychology. 3> China at this stage of the elderly are experiencing difficult years, when young, and did not get to enjoy, did not pursue the trend of affluent life, also have the ability to pursue. If the customer does not need that big shielding effect, the customer can choose low power option of cell phone jammer .
So a part of the elderly for the elderly are also heavy influx of "new" frail elderly, the infirm, but also aware of the long hospital bed and a dutiful son, but do not like to see a doctor. For older phones, but also requirements of low radiation, and more healthy. Eye, ear problems, need special care, requiring the phone is able to word, audio, large-bodied, adding handwritten touch technology for their physical condition, especially the elderly. Consumer behavior theory, most elderly people is the habit of consumers habits. Through repeated purchase of a commodity, this commodity has a more profound impression, and gradually formed a fixed spending habits and buying habits, and will not easily change this habit. So that cell phone jammer is very easy and convenient for the customer to carry it around.Due to the impact of China's traditional Confucian culture, caring for the elderly are the virtues of the Chinese people. Modern high-speed lifestyle, so that sons and daughters do not have much time to do spiritual honor, and therefore took this honor transferred to the material up. cell phone jammer of this kind in different body colors have correspondingly different parameters and performances.
Purchase, accompanied by the way, and more for their children themselves alone to buy, figure to give parents a surprise, do not worry Mom and Dad could not bear the issue of money. 5>, due to the high-speed life for the dependence of the information, the middle-aged sons and daughters are the advertising information temptation, drawn from the advertisement information they need, and then go buy. Market position "through care" is a phone designed for the elderly designed with big words, low radiation, high safety performance, easy to learn, has a GPS positioning system, the sound is big and clear, electronic newspapers, radio, a key help , nice and cheap and so on. Phone to middle and low, high-grade, supplemented by low-end mobile location with the basic functions of 198-300 yuan.

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