Tuesday, December 25, 2012

cell phone jammer can keep the good and high performance well

Therefore, cell phone jammer can keep the good and high performance well.
Pure English phone is 100% parallel phone. View the imprinted date of refurbished machines can be discerned, such as the Nokia non-smartphones standby mode, enter * # 92702689, you can display

information such as date of manufacture, if the early date not to buy. 10 refurbished machines in the shell, the nut will have some signs of wear, refurbished machine batteries are generally

assembled, because the JS could not bear with the original battery, original battery's contacts have been worn, it is easy will be able to view, another renovation of the shell of the machine is

probably not original. Parallel phone buying guide. Although the existence of the purchase of parallel imports has greater risk, but part of the phone line, water difference is too great, parallel

prices are often licensed fold.Price no problem, we must look at the machine, most business will get you a real machine when you confirm that you want the goods to see. It is that cell

phone jammer can act on the shielding of the cell phone signal.  It does not matter, as long as you and your business in advance on a good phone do not, you can, because you see that cell phone

impaired, merchants will no longer barely. The following start testing machine: Overall: get the phone box is certainly Kaifeng, parallel when the purchase is not the box (keep things simple). If

businesses took out his mobile, it is necessary to give you batteries, test machine, then you must stop him, to complete these steps by yourself. Why. Read on. Remove the mobile phone, on the nose,

the smell, the new phone will have an incense, however, the refurbished phone, businesses will follow the example of the taste and spray on the perfume, I think the scent can smell it. cell phone

jammer can work effectively and act on the shielding in the location.
So, heard the phone is also a skill. (Outsiders may seem funny, but very useful). Surface of the phone: the screen is the original film, we want to buy to which mobile phones can go to Soso

licensed online to see the look of the original film, and then look at the parallel is not the same. Looking at the keyboard gap at the handset, charger port, headphone jack, memory card slot,

whether there is dust. Carefully in the light reflective principle to look at the phone screen there are no scratches. Battery: First look at the battery contacts are no scratches, if the battery

used. Nokia battery, a good distinction, see below.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

So that cell phone jammer can be used for a longer time

So that cell phone jammer can be used for a longer time
Experienced a longer period of time is not a prosperous life for the elderly consumers of our country at this stage of their lives in general are very frugal, now living getting better and better, but they continued to maintain a savings habit, so for the elderly The phone has a heavier weight "Incorruptible" psychological. With the improvement of people's living standards, income levels increase, elderly consumers to the practicality of the goods as the first purpose of the purchase of goods, they began to emphasize quality, reliable, convenient and practical, so also have "quality" to seek "good" psychology. 3> China at this stage of the elderly are experiencing difficult years, when young, and did not get to enjoy, did not pursue the trend of affluent life, also have the ability to pursue. If the customer does not need that big shielding effect, the customer can choose low power option of cell phone jammer .
So a part of the elderly for the elderly are also heavy influx of "new" frail elderly, the infirm, but also aware of the long hospital bed and a dutiful son, but do not like to see a doctor. For older phones, but also requirements of low radiation, and more healthy. Eye, ear problems, need special care, requiring the phone is able to word, audio, large-bodied, adding handwritten touch technology for their physical condition, especially the elderly. Consumer behavior theory, most elderly people is the habit of consumers habits. Through repeated purchase of a commodity, this commodity has a more profound impression, and gradually formed a fixed spending habits and buying habits, and will not easily change this habit. So that cell phone jammer is very easy and convenient for the customer to carry it around.Due to the impact of China's traditional Confucian culture, caring for the elderly are the virtues of the Chinese people. Modern high-speed lifestyle, so that sons and daughters do not have much time to do spiritual honor, and therefore took this honor transferred to the material up. cell phone jammer of this kind in different body colors have correspondingly different parameters and performances.
Purchase, accompanied by the way, and more for their children themselves alone to buy, figure to give parents a surprise, do not worry Mom and Dad could not bear the issue of money. 5>, due to the high-speed life for the dependence of the information, the middle-aged sons and daughters are the advertising information temptation, drawn from the advertisement information they need, and then go buy. Market position "through care" is a phone designed for the elderly designed with big words, low radiation, high safety performance, easy to learn, has a GPS positioning system, the sound is big and clear, electronic newspapers, radio, a key help , nice and cheap and so on. Phone to middle and low, high-grade, supplemented by low-end mobile location with the basic functions of 198-300 yuan.

Friday, December 21, 2012

The assembly process of cell phone jammer can start in the right order

The assembly process of cell phone jammer can start in the right order and procedure
As early as July 2, 2010, the General Administration of Customs issued a relevant policy to limit the gray market, used to ease the impact of the gray market on the domestic mainstream market, and

from September 1, so that in this year's 9 month, the revised machine inventory decline, followed by price increases have. Thus, the attitude of the gray market, the customs largely determines the

price trend of the gray market, the Samsung i9000 is one of the affected models. Samsung I9000 is Samsung's flagship masterpiece, strong configuration and dazzling magical dazzle the screen so that

the aircraft must have the "Galacticos" said the aircraft after the listing over time, the price should have with the The overall market continued to decline. Actually, the inspection process of

the raw material of cell phone jammer is the vital and complicated process.  manufacturers, as early as the first generation of Apple's mobile phone market, cottage version of Mac hiPhone has

created over the sales of more than iPhone record, even hiPhone functionally more powerful, long standby time, dual network dual standby, takeaway battery charging convenience. Obviously, excessive

hunger marketing does not work in the Chinese market. In summary, the strong brand, good products, good marketing is the key. Enterprises have a variety of multiple related products, or different specifications and colors of the same variety of product

configurations placed in the same container, for example, the purchase of Nokia mobile phones is not only still in the mobile phone battery charger, headphones and other items supporting more into

battery pack with a special plastic bags to be packed. And at the same time, the good shielding effect of cell phone jammer can be ensured as much as possible.
Similar packaging strategy. Production of various goods in the packaging appearance on the same pattern, similar to the color, the same characteristics, so that customers realize that this is the

goods of the same enterprise, such as: DOOV phone they use is white. phone tones DOOV generally bright and predominantly female. Sets of standard strategies such packaging strategies mainly use the

same kinds of goods, packaging design, shape, same color or color, the use of the trademark split into several parts, respectively, distributed in a set of goods, the goods of this group put

together, is a complete logo or name. For example: backgammon phone recently introduced pattern of blue and white theme will be blue and white for the background.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

cell phone jammer can ensure the safety of people

cell phone jammer can ensure the safety of people.
It is also a series of ads were to show the emotions of these four emotional music phone NOKIA these four specific screen performance: the first screen of NOKIA music phone exaggerated and

distorted into a smiling face, the picture emphasizes is a shocking and visual impact, so that the entire screen doing a little exaggerated, and then the other picture is the same approach shown

this print ad performance through emotional appeals, I mainly want to express the music is people express themselves in a way that music is the language of their communication, joy, pain, happy ...

all through the music to express emotions is the people's basic emotional expression.
Outdoor media: in the major cities, the main two cities in the provinces put in large-scale outdoor target for advertising, light box ads, car ads. Bus shelter light boxes: in Beijing, Shanghai,

Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities and provinces and two cities the main downtown section of the shelters put in .. Lightbox release time of 30 days, 24 hours a day, start lighting (evening 7:00

or so into the early hours). The bus body advertising: put on a bus passing through the main urban routes. Mobility car ads, the advertising area, wide audience. Forced vision, including the

platform waiting for the car. Get off to stay at the site. see the stop sign the name of the public will see car owners will also see the ads, whether it is waiting for the bus or overtaking. It is

cell phone jammer for vehicle security.
Large standard boards advertising: put in the main downtown section of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities and provinces, two cities. No matter where are the visual focus of the

advertising area, wide audience. Magazine: the selection of influential fashion magazine put creative print ads. absorbed in the fashion of the Nokia music phone, dynamic elements. shelter

advertising: the standard uniform of the light box Size: 350CM length * 150CM 30 days for a period of about 135,000 yuan. public car body advertising: bus body advertising to implement the 50 cars

as a group: each vehicle as follows: 12,000 yuan for a period of 30 days, about $ 120,000 a large target for advertising: buy billboards license with "S" (over 250 square meters in the billboards

area community, such as the distribution of large-scale roof, very large roadside billboards), and Type "B" license (the billboard area between 21-249 square meters, such as roof, floor side, high

column and medium-sized billboards) dominated. It is handheld cell phone jammer .

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

mobile phone jammer is in the pre-chosen installation

mobile phone jammer is in the pre-chosen installation 
Users experiencing signal problems account for only 0.5%, and in case the user is really unfortunate to buy a defective phone, Apple will provide free replacement service. Dual Mic, increase the

speaker, the bottom of the screw. Apple yet another innovation in this humble Mic function, it uses a dual Mic design, including Vice Mic can play an active noise reduction role, will greatly

enhance call quality. Samsung I9100 in the year 2011 can be described as ubiquitous. In order to allow mobile 3G network of friends can enjoy this smooth machine Huang, Samsung subsequently

introduced this I9108. The phone I9100 is basically the same configuration, but after replaced Texas Instruments processor, application compatibility is also improved. It is the appearance

technology of mobile phone jammer .mobile phone jammer has the power the customer needs
Apple iPhone 3GS has not changed the design of the iPhone 3G, Apple iPhone 3GS is still used in the design of Apple's classic Apple the iPhone4 design iPhone appearance compared to the previous

three generations have been greatly changed, newly designed frame structure canceled before the arc design has become more angular, metallic element is prominent, volume control and speakers,

microphones, have made the appropriate changes. Let's look at the iPhone 4 What are the characteristics of the design. iPhone 4 simple packaging. iPhone 4 out of the box an elegant matchbox: 9.3 mm

plus shell glass iPhone has a thin body. The module design of mobile phone jammer adopts the aluminum alloy.
Grasp of the balance between the various elements of project management (schedule, cost, quality, etc.), tracking the specific implementation of the project, and to predict the risk of the project

and to take preventive measures, responsible for project implementation and coordination of the various interface. Project management department is also responsible for the development of the

project management of the company's development strategy, build a project management platform and its maintenance and upgrade management level and skills of project managers information and for

appropriate training, save the project historical information and the formation of the analytical data, project management staff performance appraisal.

Monday, December 17, 2012

cell phone jammer utilizes the very-high frequency

cell phone jammer utilizes the very-high frequency.
The current GSM mobile communications network 9.6K bytes per second transmission speed, GPRS cell phone launched earlier this year has reached 56Kbps transmission speed, up to now is to reach 115Kbps (this rate is twice as common 56Kmodem ideal rate) . GPRS is a packet switching for data transmission, because it is packet switching, and therefore on the utilization of network resources than circuit switching has been greatly improved, and GPRS simultaneously transfer voice and data, and billing can be completely according to statistics generated by traffic. The current carrying circuit-switched WAP (CSD) method, circuit-switched data and voice can not be carried out in accordance with the charging mode is also a long time to charge. cell phone jammer has no interception on the base station.Training of cell phone jammer specific to personnel is unnecessary
In fact WAP and GPRS nature itself can not be compared, the existing content on the WAP GPRS can browse and apply as above, except that the existing GPRS WAP CSD way faster, more convenient, more reasonable fees for of WAP services will be because of network technology to promote greater progress and improvement. In the long run, WAP is now using CSD (Circuit Switched Data) and GSM data services, since WAP GPRS can also be converted to use the GSM network as the new bearer. The weight for then antenna of cell phone jammer is only 100g.
Therefore, GPRS will not replace the WAP, give a vivid example: GPRS CSD, and now the way is the road GSM data services, WAP is the car on the road, WAP is now traveling in two lanes, GPRS improves data transfer speed , is 8 lanes, it can be said to enhance the WAP GPRS service, the same as the existing content on the WAP can be viewed via GPRS and applications. GSM GPRS is developed on the basis of a packet-switched data bearer and transmission, compared with the original GSM, GPRS data services in support of the bearing and has a very distinct advantage: GPRS can be more efficient use of wireless network channel resources, especially for sudden, frequent small flow of data transmission; GPRS support higher data transmission rates, the theoretical peak of 115kbps. The power of cell phone jammer is supplied by the battery. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

It is the effective work of cell phone jammer

After 90 proud to steal others trees cuisine in a fun online, Landlords joy beans ever use, and QQ image was pretty and unique. Because of this, many domestic brands are still looking for unique gifts or awards to set up and worry, Coca-Cola has convertible awards replaced QQ Speed, look cents, QQ Dancer, QQ Shining clothes and other props, these nowadays the most beloved games of non-mainstream crowd than the previous bottle again, "more attractive. After 90 groups pay more attention to the spirit of enjoyment, to enjoy the spirit of these people mostly from the network, then the business is necessary according to the characteristics of their products, clever use of network goods, and the popular Web site to conduct joint marketing, joint promotion in the future will become conquest of a new generation of weapon. It is the effective work of cell phone jammer .Answer: Mr., Miss, I'll give you the absolutely lowest price, the price there is no way to discount, so I'll give you to find gifts. You see, usually buy are not gifts, you good luck, as well as gifts to send. Case 2: If the customer's counter-offer with reserve price gap is too large, the customer is not yet recognized the value of products, this time to retain customers to continue to explain, let the customer know more about the value of the product. Analysis: The customer may be concerned about the process of buying a phone and ask a lot of features, some really need, but there are a lot of time because customers that buy a phone function better, do not really need those features or rarely use to that function. For this kind of cell phone jammer , the capacity of battery is greater.Answer: a lot of customers will ask if there is no dual card dual standby mobile phone, but in the end to buy a single card single standby mobile phone.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Many inspections should be carried out for cell phone jammer

Many inspections should be carried out for cell phone jammer
For existing users via WAP PUSH way to allow users to download the client, or to enter the operating room and implanted package to promote this China Telecom, the mobile video business as a KPI business in order to improve the promotion of positive For example, the implant package, per month through mobile phones to watch video, appeared to be at no cost, but the monthly charge in a package even if the next month to see the video content will still chargeback. At the same time, support for mobile phone web browser that allows users to watch video content online. charge mode: charging models: the industry generally believe that the tariff is one of the main reasons hindering the development of 3G, but personally think that the means of payment and the terminal is the main reason. The cooling fan of advanced cell phone jammer can work validly and quickly.
So, my point very clear (you can answer the phone country contractors, the provincial contractor I mentioned earlier), only docking with the mobile phone retailer, to real sales, profit margins at all. However, new problems again, phone country contractor how to ring the terminal resources? This is an integrated marketing process. Phone country contractor must integrate a unique brand communication and promotional strategies, with the TV network a variety of media power, to achieve the purpose of dissemination. For mobile phone retailers to provide the following services: first, the rich, Series product line with the times. Phone the contractor's core competitiveness is continuing to provide customers with better products than their competitors. Second, with the support of the marketing effectiveness of the terminal. It should be done before using advanced cell phone jammer .
First, the media-form. Now do live interviews, news class. Second, the product-demand form. Like fragments of the film, including MP3. Products on-demand form is also to do more. Third, the interactive class. Including video community, including video games. Fourth, the public class. Including like some of the video instruction, video monitoring. Public class of the securities stock analysts, and so on. I think the video covers a very broad area, give us a proposal for as much as possible to think about new forms, in fact, the business model is also a new form gradually generated. Another aspect is also to do the client software, the bigger WAP station colleagues, some of the recommendations. The cooling fan of this kind of advanced cell phone jammer is the very useful and important kit.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The battery is inside the host of advanced cell phone jammer

The battery is inside the host of advanced cell phone jammer .
Related to the concept of mobile phones reported move of its own business, I estimate that the mobile news mobile will he look like a flying letters, digital music, business, long-term support, vigorously develop, since it is its own business, then we first spade is a self Business: own business, as its name suggests is their own business, own business, of course, we should focus on care, how care of it, is the Corporation to all provinces to develop KPI task, integrating assessment, as a compliance indicator The one most of the province so that will go all out. Cruel, and very effective. Second, the index score, I am sorry, let us charge charge, to move the fight scoring. When the battery of advanced cell phone jammer is charging.
100 points, I first came, do not agree with the thread to correct. Business prospects: 90 points regardless of all how to look, I personally am still very optimistic about this business, and based on such a long period of actual operation and actual contact with the user, many users have formed a mobile newspaper reading habits, compared to the traditional existing newspaper media following several major advantages: distribution costs, logistics costs: easy to understand, not much to say; real-time: In addition to the unified, fixed sending time can focus time happening from time to time supplement or complement the Journal issued in the form, to meet the real time demands of news; interactive: media, newspapers and media can not meet. The working time of battery of advanced cell phone jammer is determined by the battery capacity.
Content of large capacity, good extension to expand: Speaking of which, some people may think I Zhaoma, but I just think this is one of the biggest advantage of the mobile newspaper, the reason is very simple, with a mobile phone website, sent to the user on the phone The information is just as hot and REVIEW further attention to more gently point link, enter a mobile website can be. But the product did not evolve this step only; finishing segments of the target user population: the current number of mobile phone newspaper is not much, the species is not complete, but the mobile newspaper in addition to different users can be done to correspond to different newspaper, or even achieve unity newspaper issued according to different users different content. When pressing the button on the host of advanced cell phone jammer.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

When pressing the button on the host of cell phone jammer

When pressing the button on the host of cell phone jammer .
Listen to music store to the customer, the clerk tried to use headphones, make sure to listen a chance to give customers. If a customer wants to listen to the loud speaker sound, can be deposited into the first of several loud speaker volume song as putting demonstrates the song; from the perspective of quality and service life in the words of surgery, you can explain to customers why the loud speaker sound do not was particularly large. The cell phone camera effects by shooting techniques, distance and other factors vary. The clerk can be a test shot, generally select the Font class reference to shooting distance within 1.5 meters, do not shake. , A chance to shoot confirmation to the customer. Surgery, then 1: In fact, this sound is still pretty big, but the store is relatively noisy, relatively speaking, you feel small. Or change the song and then listen to you? And turning on cell phone jammer .
Like this big brand mobile phone, it is also certainly not like the brand-name computers like to loud fitted with eight speakers. N is not it? M is not it? A and S are not right? You think, ah, you are walking down the road, suddenly a bell rang and a square in the eyes of the whole focus on your body that does it feel? Huh, huh. If surgery: Your voice it is the design, brand mobile phones like Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, will take into account the adverse effects of the loud speaker volume on the battery, and much of a speaker also prone to break the sound, so the major points of the brands are foreign to put that sound there is a limit is appropriate to hear. In fact, noisy, another place to listen to the voice is still getting bigger. The noise means that the cooling fan of cell phone jammer is working very powerfully and effectively.
Of course, in the noisy environment, you can also set the phone into a ringtone increase. Loud speaker volume with the service life or service life than you say is not it? If surgery: You are to see this phone is ** pixel. Many customers at first and you have the same opinion. My many years of experience in mobile phone sales, cell phone camera features a look at pixels, and second, to see the sensor, the three look at the screen. Personal shooting skills reason. We analyze, you are also a little more product knowledge. First pixel: Of course, the higher the better, you see this phone pixels high, so it is not a matter of pixel; sensor: There are two kinds of CCD and CMOS, in general, the CCD is better than CMOS. So that the heat of cell phone jammer can be dissipated.

Monday, December 10, 2012

The air pressure for cell phone jammer is 86-106kPa

The air pressure for cell phone jammer is 86-106kPa. 
Cell phone freezes and automatic restart, the solution of the system failure caused by software such as intelligent machine is easy to crash, and restart, so you reference the proper use of the smart machine please be sure to do a few, be sure to press the button slow, the software is not, exit, do not hang in the background, in addition to the background software is needed, such as QQ, except everything is installed, be sure to choose a memory card, memory card memory does not exceed the memory card busses half of the memory, do not browse porn network and improper site to download Do not download unknown software, do not download untrusted software, do not download similar to the above two basic functions of the software. The new technology will improve the quality of cell phone jammer further.
For example, two anti-virus software, doing so can avoid software conflicts If the above can not solve, can ever be the a soft cell, enter * # 7370 # password did not change is the management cell phone 12345 soft cell re- Must remember that I said earlier, cell phone use junk immediately delete the c drive of the soft grid will delete everything, so backup all the important things of the business cards, information, certificates, pictures, video, electronic lock, diary, of course, only for the cell phone memory C drive, east and west of the memory card with cares, can pass before the soft cell PC Backup important things I answer only, except for Nokia's mainstream cell phones, parallel imports, and any questions after I soft grid is not bear any legal issues. The sports meeting of cell phone jammer company covers various activities.
Soft grid a lot of attention the AP0705310 Jiang Tengyun smartcell phone development prospects as the Chinese TD-SCDMA commercial process at full speed sprint, the 600 million cell phone users in China is about to usher in 3G era. The accelerated growth of the smartcell phone is undoubtedly a remarkable focus in the 3G cell phone industry. Apple iCell phone after its launch, sales have more than 10 million; Google the GCell phone just listed, booking number has exceeded 1.5 million. iCell phone and GCell phone launched off a wave of smart cell phones in the global boom. According to Credit Suisse Securities predicted that shipments of the smartcell phone market share in 2008 was about 13%, 20% in 2009, will be up to 29% in 2010.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The first and biggest characteristic of this kind of mobile phone

But Android? First of all, it used to only support Google Checkout and credit card payments, have just announced their support for Paypal and buy Android software is too fragmented, only part of the developer site in the applications market, even in the Amazon and other places can buy Android applications . Second, the Android basic audit of any software release, in other words, even if I'm just a rookie to hand write a software can also be put online for download free of charge, if one has a virus, of course, be disastrous consequences. The first and biggest characteristic of this kind of mobile phone is that it can shield the cell phone signal and GPS signal at the same time.
Google is proud behind the "open", there are traps, some of the same function requires the user to Root (get administrator rights) to use. Google Research blog Valley Olympic MusiXboy said, "open the final analysis, only Google is used to belittle Apple to raise their own rhetoric when not true." Behind the dazzling repeat applications and cumbersome purchasing channels, it is difficult to user perseverance pay for the software .
Development in this far without the App Store mature market eco difficult. However, the developer was willing to wait for the market to mature, after all, this is a potential for immeasurable space. Wu Hong for the Android Developer program, all charges, simply relying on the built-in advertising, earn tens of dollars a day, side of the circumstantial evidence of this huge user base and potential spending power. Tired of Android developers, is exactly what Android can be a magic weapon for the rapid rise this year: multi-level mobile phone equipment and manufacturers custom interface. Android world, the mobile phone of 1000 dollars, 5000 dollar machine Huang, processor, and the resolution is not the same.
Attendant problems, an application that is not all machine running perfectly. Whenever a developer to develop software, wait for their endless debugging in all models on this platform. Compared to only need to consider the iPhone a machine to pay the cost of the Android platform is too labor-intensive and material resources. So, when iOS platform's most popular game "angry bird" ported to the Android platform, Rovio, selected free differentiation of the models still allow them to stand it. November 21, Rovio, for its poor performance on many Android devices to apologize: "Despite our efforts, we could not let the game has the best performance." All the cell phones and GPS can not work normally within this shielding range as long as mobile phone works.
They declared: "We have been reluctant to do more versions of Android devices 'angry bird'."

Friday, December 7, 2012

this kind of cell phone jammer is highly recommended for our customer

In all, this kind of cell phone jammer is highly recommended for our customer.
Xu Lihua: gross profit margin of our phone is open, our gross profit margin is around 15%, this is open to the public, so that this 15% is not a windfall, we to judge. The audience: I am using is the waveguide may be your first generation product, it seems close to three thousand, so I think the price of pricey. Moderator: It looks like you intend to take much money to get back the feeling. Xue Chen: domestic mobile phone costs are lower than foreign phone I do not think so. Xue Chen: I do not agree with this phone, the application is the mobile phone, mobile phone applications. cell phone jammer is powerful with enough power and large shielding range.
In fact most concerned about consumers next step is to phone in addition to the phone can do from this point of view, in fact, we made mobile phones the next step is to capture a core competitiveness. Moderator: When the technical content increased at the same time, her heart and cool, it seems that price stand a chance. Xue Chen: in fact, is the polarization, one is the cost, the lower is simple, but very good. Audience: If you really feel value for money, or willing. Audience: I have a question Xu total you say your product awareness, brand strengths, but as far as I know to buy your products, mainly concentrated in the migrant workers and low-income workers, and there are legends say that you enterprises are migrant workers enterprises, is there any explanation for this? But at the same time the price of cell phone jammer is very attractive.
Xu Lihua: I do not know the colleague that he was born, that is what you came. Moderator: We have just forgot his ID card. Xu Lihua: ah. So if your background is intellectuals, What is your previous generation, if you are the previous generation of intellectuals, that I ask you again to the previous generation of what is. Moderator: You must be found in this root of farmers, is not it. Moderator: I would think from this point of view to understand his problems, he may be particularly eager to say, your production and not just some of the low-end products. Therefore, this kind of cell phone jammer is of high cost performance.The GPS cell phone jammer can shield the signal emitted by the GPS satellite
Why do not you hit the high-end markets to grab some of their customers with Motorola, Sony Ericsson? Xu Lihua: So I just answer him one of the problems that our business is a farmers' enterprises, right. Moderator: I think how their own. Xu Lihua: right, I'm such a peasant, then the phone can now say is a call tools, so most of the growth of users, new users may most is the first time to buy a mobile phone user. the first to buy now without a mobile phone user, it may indeed be low-income people. The high performance makes cell phone jammer a really good option for the customer.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The leather cover of phone jammer will be delivered together with phone jammer

phone jammer can be used for self-defense.
The sound effects can make it play out the sound of the cell phone itself insufficient. And support, so that your player is full of personalized custom background image. There is no thought of processing images on a mobile phone? PainterStudio can complete this job. This known as the "cell phone in Photoshop" software Chinese name for the "artist studio", and also have a Chinese version you can use. SIS format, the software directly copied to the MMC card in the cell phone in the "Tools" - "Program Manager" to install, and then find the icon can be run in the function table. Because the finished version, the software cover has been replaced by Chinese. Into the software interface is very simple and neat, sub-three: drawing pictures, help and network. The leather cover of phone jammer will be delivered together with phone jammer . Staff the help is necessary transaction charged in the cell phone jammers in another by a 13MHz quartz crystals, the integrated circuit and external components of the crystal oscillation devices. The conditions of the commission of the cell phone jammer is also very important.
Not only simplifies the circuit, but also reduces the interference of external factors on the VCO circuit. The power supply terminal, a control side and the ground side. Figure 2-13. Components of the VCO concerned is a pattern, to the grounding resistance of the ground; very close to a terminal of said power supply voltage and the RF voltage of the machine; controlled termination resistor or inductance in the standby mode, , or "112" to the beginning of the pulse control signal port emissions;, the rest of the output channels. The mobile phone antenna is simultaneously with the receiver antenna and transmitter antenna. This phone work in the 900MHz band or 1800MHz band, so the size of the antenna can be very small. The antenna is divided into a reception antenna and said transmission antenna in. The commission state cell phone jammers have been submitted.
The conductor of the high frequency of the signal current in the high - a high frequency of the electromagnetic wave is converted into the receiving antenna. Next to the high-frequency signal current conductor out of the out of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation is a transmitting antenna. In the schematic in antenna is usually the letter "ANT". As the development of the times in the mobile phone, through clever design, with the conventional of the line is not the concept of cell phone antenna miniaturization TECHNOLOGY.