The battery of cell phone jammer is built-in type.
In all kinds of industry, marketing industry is one of the most difficult industry. Many a salesman to sell his goods, but they can not enter the halls or obtaining the gate and difficult to enter. Despite his face smile, respectfully, but often get the cold face, an air of disdain. How to change this problem? You may wish to use the "brick" knock on the door. See how the United States Brian is the use of this strategy. U.S. insurance companies to break Brian enter the halls, obtaining the gate and difficult barriers to entry, give the customer send the instructions on the various kinds of insurance, together with a coupon, coupons, wrote: "Please put questionnaire filled out a few blank columns, and return the tear off coupon to us, we will send two of Rome, Greece, China and other countries in the world of the imitation of ancient coins, which is thank you for help, not please you to join our insurance. "Carmina's more than 30,000 letters sent such a letter. Mail the letter, the response was very good, actually received two, thirty thousand replies. For the reply, the company did not directly send coins, but to business with imitation antique brass antique coins, according to the address to visit. "I specifically brought national rare ancient coins to visit you." Thus, not only in the marketing staff to visit more at ease when you look generous, but not each other's face a cold expression. Customers were happy to Come to the door salesman, thanks, they joyfully all kinds of ancient coins from various countries to pick out their favorite coins. In this way, the feelings between the salesman and the customer will more harmonious. When the salesman gently solicit insurance business to the customer, it exceptionally smooth. The input power of cell phone jammer is DC 5 volt 10A.
In this way, Brian's from 20,000-30,000 letter successfully recruiting more than 6,000 businesses. Obviously, Britney's success is through the use of the "brick" knock on the door of the strategy. They pretext of ancient coins of the "bricks", knocking on the customer's door, knocking on the customer's heart, so that the customer pleasure to pocket the money. Lee called by the name of fishing strategy is the use of celebrities, famous, attractions and other effects, to increase the visibility of their goods, to achieve marketing objectives. Psychology that the "name" of the people have a great temptation, and because people with the worship of authority, but also making the "name" convincing greatly enhanced. 20 years, foreign cigarettes to occupy the Chinese market, domestic cigarette market is very difficult to open, Nanyang Tobacco Company to do anything. Later, the manager had an idea, think of a celebrity, they found a beach in Shanghai was a "generation of comedians," "The first laugh mouth," said the comic Hou Baolin, asked him to publicize the "White Dragon" cigarettes. The power of each antenna of cell phone jammer is 3 W.The cell phone jammer system has a good performance
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